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Service Learning Team

A School of Engineering Service Learning Team was formed in Spring 2014 to raise awareness about the new Merced Vernal Pools and Grassland Reserve by promoting informational and academic activities. The Vernal Pools Reserve team has been going strong for three semesters. Thirty four students have been part of the team. The team addressed communication, access, and nature interpretation needs of the new Reserve. A beuatiful, informative brochure describes the Reserve to visitors. One of the team's greatest accomplishments was the design and creation of an large interpretive sign. The sign was unveiled on April 16, 2015 on the 50th anniversary of the University of California Natural Reserve System. Funding for the sign came from the campus Natural Reserve System and the School of Engineering. To learn more about the team and their experiences working on these projects go to
Vernal Pools Reserve - Service Learning Team Members
Scott Walker (Team Leader; Spring 2015; Fall 2014)
Patrick Isaac Coldivar (Deputy Team Leader; Spring 2015)
Stephanie Gimble (Team Leader; Fall 2014; Spring 2014)
Daniel Toews (Team Leader; Spring 2014)
Robert Aguilar (Fall 2014)
Michael Dealbert (Spring 2015)
Andrew John De Los Santos (Spring 2015)
Jake Egger (Spring 2014)
Lauren Garcia (Spring 2014)
Nathan Garcia (Fall 2014)
Logan Graves (Fall 2014)
Amy Hang (Spring 2014)
Jenna Heckel (Spring 2015)
Jose Hernandez-Cruz, Jr. (Spring 2014)
Bryan Juarez (Fall 2014)
Adam Mansour (Spring 2014)
Denzal Martin (Spring 2015)
Robert Martin (Spring 2015)
Maria Martinez (Spring 2014)
William Mayse (Fall 2014)
Maria Medina (Spring 2014; Fall 2014)
Sandy Vasquez Molina (Spring 2015)
Myvi Nguyen (Fall 2014)
Daniel Oh (Spring 2014)
Furkan Ozedirne (Spring 2015)
Adrian Reyes (Spring 2014)
Mark Reynolds (Spring 2014; Fall 2014)
Jessica Rivas (Fall 2014)
Atis Srihiran (Fall 2014)
Brandon Tran (Naturalist leader; Spring 2014; Fall 2014; Spring 2015)
Mai Yee Vang (Fall 2014)
Nick Wlodychak (Spring 2015)
Bao Xiong (Fall 2014)
Lucky Xiong (Spring 2015)