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The Code of Conduct  for the Natural Reserve System (NRS) must be adhered to by all users. Please read NRS Code of Conduct in its entirety, and agree to comply with it while on the Reserve.

Each group is required to carry a charged cell phone. In case of emergency, call 911 or the campus police at (209) 228-2677. For non-emergencies, call the Reserve Director at (209) 291-6897 or Campus Facilities Management at (209) 228-2986.

Vehicles must remain on established dirt roads, and avoid vernal pools at all times (all year). Visitors are encouraged to use maps available on Reserve’s web page, including the georeferenced Reserve safety map using the Avenza app, which allows users to view locations on the map in real time. Permission is required in advance to travel off road, including canal banks.

•    Visitors must carry a fire extinguisher in their vehicle during the dry season, (May to November). Fire extinguishers can be borrowed from the campus Natural Reserve System office. Please contact the Reserve Director if an extinguisher is needed and for training in how to use it. 
•    Avoid parking in high grass and DO NOT idle in high grass at any time. Take precautions to use vehicles or spark producing devices safely,  which can produced sparks that present a fire hazard. 

•    Cattle seasonally graze on the Reserve and shall not be approached or otherwise bothered. If cows are encountered on the road while driving, be sure to drive very slowly and they’ll disperse. 
•    Do not leave vehicles and equipment unattended during grazing season (October to July) due to potential for damage.
•    Do not approach wild boar (individuals or herds), which could charge you, if provoked. Boars have tusks, and can be aggressive. If concerned about boar interactions, bring an air horn with you.
•    Do not touch any injured or deceased animals encountered on the Reserve. Instead, please take a photo, mark the location, and report it to the Reserve Director immediately along with a description.